versie 6.9.1005-10-2023
Number of notifications : 5
- Improve
Voor de gebruikers die de artikelconfigurator inzetten binnen hun verhuurbedrijf zijn er thans nieuwe velden toegevoegd aan de configurator. Zo kan men thans uren/km/reistijden etc ook gebruiken binnen de calculaties.
(#192818) - Improve
We kregen veel verzoeken om het scherm van de contactpersonen NOG meer te integreren binnen het relatiescherm. We hebben dit thans herschreven en is het scherm een stuk intuitiever geworden. Wij verwachten dat jullie de wijzigingen kunnen waarderen.
- Improve
Onder bepaalde gevallen kon men een aangemaakte inhuurbon niet meer wijzigen. Dat is natuurlijk vervelend en vaak ook zonder problemen toegestaan. Dit hebben wij thans verbeterd.
(#231389) - Improve
Bij het journaliseren van de onkostendeclaraties van het personeel, werden de boekingen van bijvoorbeeld intern (Creditcard van de zaak) keurig geboekt in het grootboek. Echter om controle redenen is het overzichtelijker ook iedere mutatie van dit soort betalingen apart in het grootboek te boeken. Hierdoor ontstaat er fiscaal en accountantstechnisch een betere visuele en financiele controle op de uitgaven cq mutaties.
- Bugfix
Kleine aanpassing in het rapport artikelomzetten. Wanneer men slechts een kort overzicht afdrukte van bijvoorbeeld 3 maanden, dan kwamen de omzetten niet in de juiste kolom terecht in het Excelsheet. Dat is thans ook opgelost.
versie 6.9.928-09-2023
Aantal meldingen : 16
- Bugfix
Wanneer een tijdschema was gekopieerd of overgenomen, kon deze daarna niet meer verwijderd worden.
(#231203) - Improve
Bij het afboeken en afhandelen van een project stopte RentBuddy regelmatig. Dit bleek te komen doordat een terechte foutmelding verkeerd werd getoond aan de gebruiker. De melding was niet zichtbaar maar RentBuddy brak de actie wel af. Dit is nu opgelost.
(#231345) - Bugfix
Door manco werden in sommige gevallen een verkeerde voorraadmutatie aangemaakt.
(#231368) - Improve
Ook een VAST SAMENGESTELD artikel kan nu nog beter op MANCO worden geboekt.
(#231369) - Tools
We hebben voor een aantal cases een performance verbetering (snelheid) doorgevoerd bij het maken van pakbonregels voor inhuurregels. (f_pkbr_inhr)
- Improve
Bij de INHUURORDERS is de kolom LEVERANCIERS (die optioneel is geworden) weer zichtbaar gemaakt.
(#231315) - Feature
Gerealiseerde artikelomzetten:
Opnieuw is deze populaire rapportage verder uitgebreid. Nu tonen we ook de inhuurkosten per artikel (dus naast omzet zie je ook het totaalbedrag aan inhuur).
- Tools
Oplossen van tekorten is in RentBuddy met rechten te beperken. Dit werkte helaas niet via het menu voorraad- en tekorten. We hebben deze rechtenstructuur ook hier doorgevoerd.
(#231324) - Improve
Bij het kopieren van een project wordt automatisch ook de projectmanager ingevuld.
(#231346) - Bugfix
Terwijl het personeelsartikel een dagtarief als verhuureenheid had gekregen werden toch uurtarieven doorgevoerd bij alle personeelsartikelen. Deze fout hebben we opgelost.
- Improve
Diverse verbeteringen bij de inhuurbonnen doorgevoerd: – De gebruiker kreeg een foutmelding (INHO_ID) niet gevonden wanneer na het aanmaken van een inhuurbon op WIJZIG werd gedrukt. – Als de leverancier gewijzigd werd, werd niet het vorige adresblok weggehaald
– De belangrijkste wijziging is dat er geen bekende inhuurprijzen werden getoond ook al had je dit als gebruiker netjes vastgelegd bij de inhuurleverancier. Rentbuddy toont nu dus ook de inhuurprijzen indien vastgelegd.
- Bugfix
De gebruiker kon soms bij het maken van een betaallink tijdens factureren een foutmelding krijgen : dat een veld van het type REAL niet naar INT kan worden gewijzigd. Dit is thans opgelost.
- Improve
Niet alle notificaties waren altijd zichtbaar.
(#231273) - Improve
Bij een samengesteld artikel werd onder bepaalde omstandigheden het ‘+’ niet zichtbaar om de samenstelling open te klappen. Dit is nu aangepast.
(#231307) - Improve
Na het fiatteren van een uren/onkosten regel wordt er een nieuw leeg declaratieformulier aangemaakt door het systeem. De accordeur en de werkgever werden hier dan niet ingevuld. Het automatisch aanmaken van declaratieformulieren door het systeem hebben we op verzoek uitgeschakeld.
- Improve
Magazijnbeheer; Er vindt een extra controle plaats op ingevulde aantallen bij het vastleggen van een voorraad mutatie.
version 6.9.823-07-2023
Number of notifications : 6
- Improve
When capturing a new stock change, a check is now made to see if the field NUMBER field is filled in.
- Bugfix
Error message 400 BAD REQUEST you got earlier when creating a payment link in quotes, but now this also solved in invoices.
- Bugfix
In the entry and exit screen, the setting showed SHOW BOTH the date selection was not filtered correctly. This often resulted in all projects being retrieved.
(#231243) - Improve
When copying or moving order lines in the project, the first timeline is now populated by default now.
- Improve
In staff scheduling, when applying rates to freelancers, the screen was not refreshed so the hiring rates of freelancers were not shown immediately. From now on, the screen will be updated immediately so that the planner can see immediately what the cost is when hiring the freelancers.
(#231248) - Bugfix
In some cases, when using hourly rates instead of daily rates, hiring rates were not calculated correctly. That has been fixed in this patch.
version 6.9.718-07-2023
Number of notifications : 11
- Tools
The supplier of our tools currently has a problem with the default windows font CALIBRI causing in the reports/quotes and invoices if you use this font that this no longer works in version 6.9. A solution is of course by changing the layouts to a (for now) different font. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the patch that our supplier will hopefully release soon. We'll keep you posted.
- Feature
In Backstage, the freelancer's PO numbers can be (job numbers) and also he can see the agreed rates. On request, this is now NOT shown by default. If you still want to see the rates, you can set this at the freelancer on the employee card. The BackStage settings now include the option which you can enable/disable PER freelancer.
- Feature
We have now included travel mileage rates when creating the PO number. RentBuddy can calculate the distance between the freelancer's address and the location/venue. We use When you purchase a subscription here and capture the API key in RentBuddy, the distances can be calculated at the touch of a button.
- Tools
In the PAKBON screen, large packing slips got a format problem and RentBuddy shows +++++ as characters. Meaning the field is too large for the format. We have now made this larger.
(#231200) - Feature
Time tracking of your Project Manager
We have implemented another great and beautiful extension from practice into the project. The screen 'Checking time sheets' has been completely redeveloped. At the request of our customers and the practice it is now possible for the project leaders to register the hours of the employees on location in the project. This means that later when the freelancers send in their invoices that the administration can immediately see whether the project leader has recorded the same hours. For the project leaders the advantage that they can register the administrative side of the hours immediately after completing the project and move on to their next assignment. For the administration the great advantage that they can be sure that the declared hours of the freelancer by the Project Leader are(s) have already been approved. Also if employees have been absent or have worked more or less hours is then immediately visible.
In addition, it is also possible that if by now employees (own or freelancers) have written their hours in BackStage the Project Manager can directly approve the hours from this same screen.
If you have questions about the functionalities of the screen, do not hesitate to contact our help desk.
- Improve
The screen Checking time sheets held not (yet) taking into account crew of EXPERTS. For example, if you hired 5 men for 8 hours a day, the 40 hours that would be spent in total were shown as 23:59 as the time. By completely redesigning this screen this was of course also changed immediately.
- Bugfix
When creating the quote and at the time you wanted to send/email the quote directly, you could see the message 400 BAD REQUEST message. Everything else worked fine but this message is obviously annoying. What went wrong was that even if you did not check the Mollie payment link, it was still created. And the result was that a status of the payment link was requested which gave the 400 error message. NOTE: This also occurred in some cases since version 6.8.57. This has now been fixed.
- Improve
We have the list of INVOICED ITEM SALES adjusted so that you can now also print a breakdown of your invoiced sales down to the component level. However, discrepancies may arise here. Example is that the current list will always match one-to-one with your invoiced sales in projects. However when testing this new option with various customers sometimes delivered some discrepancies. For example, there are customers who have defined a Item as SUMMARY, but have no components attached to it. It is then actually a "normal" Item but because of the missing components you miss in the list on type 2 this breakdown of course. Best is to put those items back as normal items. Another example is that in projects one creates FORECAST NOTES. This means that in the income statement, of course, sales have been booked but no articles have been used in these invoices. But with this extension it is now possible to get even more insight down to the component level. Another advantage is that if components are included in another fixed composition Item , the total historical turnover on that component will now also remain visible due to this modification.
- Improve
In the financial administration you can use DEPOTS with creditors. Suppose you have to transfer an amount as a deposit to your supplier, with the real invoices being settled later by your supplier. For example, when delivering fuel, this is quite common. You should then create a general ledger account of the type CRED. In that case, when the payment is made, it can be posted directly to the creditor as a deposit. With this ledger account, RentBuddy will not ask for a purchase invoice that does not exist, after all. Later, when booking the purchase invoice via a memorial entry, you can then(and) the deposit amounts are settled. The reason we put this in the release notes is that in the CREDIT screen, the balance of the deposit amount was reversed. So a DEBET became CREDIT and vice versa. That has been fixed
- Improve
Automatically create a new CREDITOR with the CREDITOR+ button in various screens, it popped out when a user had not yet defined a default creditor group in the administration settings. We now catch this notification.
- Improve
When booking expenses, you could record a maximum of 999.99 at number. With larger amounts you saw the format field change to ++++. It was recorded correctly but for example 1540 km can now be visually visible again because we made the field larger.
version 6.9.625-06-2023
Number of notifications : 1
- Improve
Versions: 6.9.4 to 6.9.6
These updates were made with the following technical issues.
- Adaptation for RentBuddy's latest translation manager
As of version 6.9.6, RentBuddy is again fully updated in the English and German version
versie 6.9.513-06-2023
Number of notifications : 1
- Tools
Dit is een technische patch inzake W23 – W28 en de nieuwe vertaalmodule, calibri lettertype rapportgenerator.
versie 6.9.412-06-2023
Number of notifications : 1
- Tools
Dit is een technische patch inzake W23 – W28.
version 6.9.309-06-2023
Number of notifications : 1
- Improve
The option DOOR PLANS did not work (no longer) correct on all projects. This has been fixed with this patch.
version 6.9.208-06-2023
Number of notifications : 12
- Bugfix
The personnel planning GROUPING BY PROJECT ON 1 LINE is again included in this release.
This makes it possible to display all schedules of a single project side by side in the staff scheduling not by time order but by project order.
- Tools
After a while, your main RentBuddy folder can get pretty "full" with all versions of RentBuddy. For every new update/patch, RentBuddy automatically installs it. We now have the option to help clean up your hard drive by removing the old versions from your laptop or workstation. To do this, go to : Settings -> Tools -> Clean up old versions
- Improve
Since version 6.9, you automatically get a checkmark above the columns with CHECKS from within the tools. However, because in many screens in RentBuddy is already developed by us, this comes (sometimes) now double on the screen. We have already turned it off in several screens. It also appeared in the personnel requirements, where it is not desired. We have now removed this check mark above the columns.
- Improve
For new customers, all 13,660 locations Germany by default. For existing customers, a one-time import can be performed to automatically import these 13,660 locations into your country table for Germany. If you do business in Germany, this is absolutely recommended. PLEASE NOTE: Existing German locations will not be adjusted or removed. For questions please contact the helpdesk.
- Feature
At the request of our users it is now also possible, in addition to the fact that we previously enabled the de-duplication of Creditors in the financial administration, to implement this now also for Debtors. Attention! The deduplication of debtors has more consequences for rental projects and the invoicing of orders/contracts in RentBuddy. For example, after deduplication it is no longer possible to create a credit note or set off advances with the push of a button. In short, deduplication of debtors is best carried out when there is nothing else "in progress" for the debtors in question. So use this option very thoughtfully, however.
- Bugfix
When mailing quotation you got the message that the PDF was missing if you did not have a layout linked to the quote and you could not continue. We have now made it possible for you to just continue with the mail process.
- Improve
When creating a project, as known with the venue data is pulled over possibly from a fixed venue or from your client etc. However when copying these actions were not performed by RentBuddy. This has now been changed. When copying, the same actions are now performed on the venue as would be done manually.
- Improve
In very rare cases, you could get an error message when booking a credit note. When one made a credit note on invoices from two different financial years AND if there were also advance notes to be settled that were booked in the memorandum journal. It was then indicated by RentBuddy when booking that the journal could not be found. However, this was an unjustified message because the two accounting years meant that the correct accounting year was not being looked at.
(#231171) - Feature
Notifications can be sent to multiple staff members in RentBuddy. Think of accepting an invitation from a staff member or converting a quote to an order confirmation. However, it was the case that if one staff member handled the notification that it was logged off for ANYONE. This was not desirable in some cases. We have now made it so user-friendly that you can indicate PER EMPLOYEE and PER NOTIFICATION TYPE whether his/her action of reporting completion is only for him/her or for all other colleagues as well. With this we have given the notifications even more functionality.
- Bugfix
When a user does not have rights to create debtors and creditors their rights are neatly removed. Since we believed that if you can invoice you should also be able to create the Debtor it is still possible in Invoicing. The button for creating Debtors remained active there. However, we have now also implemented these permissions in invoicing because more and more non-administrative employees find RentBuddy's invoicing process so simple that they are often no longer done by the administration. However, managing debtors and creditors is what people want to be able to authorize in this way. So we have now implemented and improved that.
(#231162) - Bugfix
In the reports, we have also implemented the calculation and changes from 6.9 in the extension toward venu and address data for future transportation planning in several places.
(#190705) - Bugfix
When you pressed the MyPonto mutations tab at INSERT MUTATIONS and there were no transactions linked you got an error message EMPTY LIST. A legitimate message but looked like a bug and therefore the message has now been removed.
version 6.9.107-06-2023
Number of notifications : 1
- Feature
Today we launch version 6.9.1
- For the many detailed information about the new modules and features of the 6.9, please refer to our helpdesk. Starting from this version, we will again report the changes and updates to this version via this web page.