
The invoicing of long-term rentals by means of subscriptions takes into account activities that have taken place with possible rental stops.


Items that have been leased to a client for a long period of time are often billed periodically. During this period service and maintenance may have taken place and the items may have been moved to new work locations. All activities that need to be performed can be generated on special routes and trip lists that can be given to the driver. 


Driving activities

Subscriptions are linked to trip activities.
When is the Item to be delivered, picked up, moved or serviced? All activities have an execution date and are put on the corresponding route plan.   

Subscription billing

With a subscription, you are soon talking about monthly or weekly invoicing. You can generate the invoices for the subscriptions yourself and send them directly to your debtors.

Trip lists

RentBuddy has the option of creating journey lists for the drivers. All journey activities are placed on the journey list in order of route.   

Multiple locations

Per Item and per subscription you can find out exactly where the items have been placed.
The multiple locations affect the creation of the trip lists. In practice, materials are often rented out for a longer period of time but the customer himself moves it to another work address, for example. This relocation by the customer himself is also supported by RentBuddy.

Rental stops

With a subscription there are also periods when the use of Item is temporarily suspended. For example, during the construction or school holidays, public holidays, etc. Of course, the customer then asks to come and collect the materials, but this is why we often work with so-called rental stops.

It is possible to define the rental stops per subscription.
The invoicing will take these rental stops into account so that no unnecessary invoices are created. This can be set up per Item so that e.g. supplements are taken into account. The choice is yours.

Manage your projects faster
than before

The most complete ERP
solution for the rental industry

RentBuddy CRM can compete with renowned CRM applications and links to Postcode and KvK.

Material management

From single rental items, to loose and fixed items, combinations and alternatives.


From a single storage area to multiple warehouses with transfers and internal movements of material.

Quotations, rentals and sales

From quotation to order confirmation and from hiring and purchasing to sales and installation projects.

Staff and vehicle planning

Detailed timetables, inviting staff and assigning functions to your projects.

Time and expense registration

The personnel module with the hour, expense and leave and overtime registration

Backstage mobile app

Providing call sheets, feedback and repair notifications to both in-house and freelancers.

Service, repair and maintenance

Manage your own materials or service and/or repair third-party materials, as well as view inspection days.

Financial administration

A fully integrated financial administration or links to external financial packages.