Receiving a digital signature from your client is nowadays a prerequisite for ensuring that your projects/assignments have a sound legal basis. With RentBuddy, you have the possibility of automating this completely.

Digital signature

The extra module RentBuddy DigiSign (Digital Signature) makes it possible for you to digitally sign your quotes and order confirmations. You will be notified as soon as a digital signature has been placed. Your principal will also receive an immediate confirmation as soon as the signature has been passed on correctly to the supplier.

Completely in your own style

The web page in which your client places his digital signature can be adapted to your own house style.
Colours, texts and logo can be adjusted so that the web page has your own look.
In addition, you can design the e-mail message for sending the quotation or order confirmation completely in your own style.

Include your signature in your order confirmations

When the digital signature is received, you have the option to include the signature in your order confirmation.
The signature can then be printed and made visible on the order confirmation.

Secured with SSL certificate

Nowadays it is very important that web pages are secured with an SSL Certificate.
This makes it for you as a landlord as for your client a trusted web page where the signature can be placed.

Manage your projects faster
than before

The most complete ERP
solution for the rental industry

RentBuddy CRM can compete with renowned CRM applications and links to Postcode and KvK.

Material management

From single rental items, to loose and fixed items, combinations and alternatives.


From a single storage area to multiple warehouses with transfers and internal movements of material.

Quotations, rentals and sales

From quotation to order confirmation and from hiring and purchasing to sales and installation projects.

Staff and vehicle planning

Detailed timetables, inviting staff and assigning functions to your projects.

Time and expense registration

The personnel module with the hour, expense and leave and overtime registration

Backstage mobile app

Providing call sheets, feedback and repair notifications to both in-house and freelancers.

Service, repair and maintenance

Manage your own materials or service and/or repair third-party materials, as well as view inspection days.

Financial administration

A fully integrated financial administration or links to external financial packages.